ISO14001 Assessments (Transco and Rockwell Group)

ISO14001 Assessments (Transco and Rockwell Group) - esg connect - brian cleator

Lead Assessor for ISO14001 Assessments, ERM CVS (for Transco and Rockwell Group)

For over four years, Brian was the lead assessor for ISO14001 certification audits for the UK gas transmission utility Transco, as well as for the European automotive components manufacturer, Rockwell Group. This contract, through ERM CVS, based out of the UK, included undertaking regular assessments of environmental performance in multiple sites and working with corporate management.

The objective was to deliver meaningful feedback on performance based on a detailed assessment of key issues and root cause analysis to identify underpinning systemic weaknesses in HES management.

ISO14001 Assessments (Transco and Rockwell Group) - esg connect - brian cleator

Chevron LNG (Kitimat)


Training & Safety Due Diligence Auditing (European Bank of Reconstruction and Development)